The Farm A Farm Novel Emily McKay Books

The Farm A Farm Novel Emily McKay Books
A dystopian society caused by vampires? Yes, please! It's no secret that I'm a little (or a lot) obsessed with vampires, and my love of the Dystopia genre is steadily growing, so it's no wonder that I loved The Farm! It even has multiple POVs which just adds to my love! The vampires are also most definitely not the good guys (with the exception of maybe one), which was an interesting and welcome change from the norm.I really admired Lily. She's managing to take care of herself and her autistic sister, Melanie, and keep them safe from the Ticks and Collabs. She has so much strength and patience. I would never be able to handle her situation. Her major fault is that she's too stubborn. She doesn't want to trust anyone, but she fails to realize that she needs help to keep herself safe and therefore keep Mel safe. Her stubbornness also keeps her from listening to good advice, which at times made her annoying.
It was really interesting to get Mel's POV, too. She see things quite differently than her twin, but she understands more than Lily gives her credit for. She's a musical savant, so she often describes things in terms of music in her head, but she has trouble verbalizing her observations to Lily. Sometime it was difficult to understand exactly what she meant, but her insight was definitely appreciated.
Finally, we have Carter's POV which is annoyingly in third person. It seems like more and more authors are choosing to do this first-third flip-flop, which is frustrating. I hate it, but at least Carter's chapters were interesting. Right off the bat we learn that he's "playing" Lily and he knows stuff about her that she doesn't even know about herself. I love how Carter and Mel's chapters add things that Lily is blind to, especially since she's our main heroine.
As for the world, it's dark and dangerous. There are "farms" set up all across the country that essentially round up teenagers as cattle for The Ticks, vampires gone wrong. They apparently like the taste of teens the best because they have just the right hormone levels. No one knows what happens to the adults, and Breeders are safe, since pregnancy hormones are unpalatable. It's all very scientific which I admired and loved!
The first 250 pages take place in one day. It's a super action packed, adrenaline filled day. There's so much tension as Lily tries to escape the Farm with her twin and Carter. But getting on the other side of the fence doesn't mean they're free, in fact, there's even more danger in the abandoned regions of the countries. Then that ending...woah! The Farm is an intense read.

Tags : The Farm (A Farm Novel) (9780425257807): Emily McKay: Books,Emily McKay,The Farm (A Farm Novel),Berkley,0425257800,Fantasy - General,Horror,Twin sisters,Twin sisters;Fiction.,Vampires,Vampires;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Family - Siblings,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,Horror Ghost Stories (Young Adult),JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Paranormal,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,TEEN'S FICTION HORROR & GHOST STORIES,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Horror,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Vampires,Young Adult FictionParanormal, Occult & Supernatural,Young Adult FictionVampires,vampires; horror; supernatural; horror books; fantasy books; horror novels; teen fiction books; young adult fantasy books; horror books for teens; fantasy books for teens; halloween books for teens; vampire books for teens; teen horror books; thriller; urban fantasy; demons; paranormal romance; adventure; action; magic; time travel; high school; teen books; young adult books; books for teens; vampire; ghosts; mystery; steampunk; monsters; werewolves; gothic; goth; witches; mythology; murder; friendship; halloween; werewolf; suspense,vampires;horror;supernatural;fantasy books;horror books;horror novels;teen fiction books;scary books;teen books;young adult books;books for teens;teen girl books;ya books;young adult;books for teen girls;teen boy books;teen books for girls;books for teen boys;books for 13 year old girls;teen books for boys;books for 14 year old girls;teen horror books;books for 14 year old boys;books for 13 year old boys;horror books for teens;halloween books for teens;fantasy books for teens,Family - Siblings,Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Horror,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Vampires,Young Adult FictionParanormal, Occult & Supernatural,Young Adult FictionVampires,Fiction,Horror Ghost Stories (Young Adult),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage)
The Farm A Farm Novel Emily McKay Books Reviews
In the very beginning pages, The Farm has the ability to grip ahold and suck the reader into the storyline so deeply that it's practically irresistible to set this book down. Fast paced and full of constant action, it holds the readers attention at all times.
We meet Lily who has taken it upon herself to take charge and protect her sister, Mel who has autism. Since coming to the Farm and having so many crucial and life altering changes, Mel has become even more enclosed and more difficult to communicate with. Lily doesn't let this stop her. Having lost both parents, she clearly shows how brave she is and will do anything to protect her sister.
The Farm is supposed to keep people safe. Not necessarily from vampires but from the gruesome things mysteriously created, called Ticks. Having a twisted human like form and a nearly everlasting and uncontrollable hunger, they attack brutally. Being on the Farm does protect from these beasts but getting constant threats to be thrown out to them, and having strict rules and regulations isn't and easy life.
Lily plans for an escape but her plans become altered when a past friend shows up. Carter claims that he is there to help. Dressed as a Collab, it's hard for Lily to put her guard down and put her trust into him. Mel is her first and only priority. Carter has his own objectives and claims he's been searching for Lily for a long time. His reasoning is far fetched and hard to believe. Lily can't be that special, but in some odd way, what he says makes sense.
When the escape goes down, and reality comes to surface, it's even harder to believe. And Mel shows her true colors like never before. I enjoyed every page of this book, can't wait to see what else is in store, and highly recommend!
A great addition to the young adult post apocalyptic genre, The Farm was a chilling and fast paced read.
Right now there are a lot of books with the crazed masses of mindless monsters, say that three times fast why don’t you? So why are they being used again and again as major villain in so many post apocalyptic books? Simple fact is, it works. It’s something that we fear and has now pretty much become one of the standard go-tos in apocalyptic fiction. I for one love zombie type monsters and it is always interesting to see a writer put a new spin on them. Here Emily McKay gives you a sort of zombie/vampire hybrid. I don’t believe they are dead, so you wouldn’t call them zombies, and I don’t really think of them as vampires either because they aren’t dead. Instead they are just a combination of the two. It is however eluded to that they came about because of some genetic tampering with vampire DNA. I thought calling them Ticks was a good choice in monster names. You immediately connect the word ticks with blood and of course everyone thinks those suckers are disgusting, so voila – instant ick factor before they even make an appearance.
The Farm is told from an alternating POV of twins Lily, Mel and another key character Carter; with the start of each chapter designating whose POV it is. The majority of the book is told from Lily’s perspective, then the other larger portion from Carter’s. I am sad to say we get very few chapters from Mel’s perspective. That was my main gripe was that I wanted more of Mel. I liked the sparks between Lily and Carter and they felt believable. So kudos there because I am very picky with my romance elements in YA fiction.
Now, the premise is that after the outbreak of Ticks all teenagers have been rounded up and placed on “farms” for their own protection but also collection of their blood. Life on the farms is hard for these teens who have to donate blood much more frequently than is healthy, with only pregnant girls and enforcers known as “Collabs” being exempt from donation. It is essentially prison life with death threats looming in the form of your 18th birthday. Not to mention you could possible be staked outside the fence and left for the Ticks for even the smallest transgression.
Lily has spent her whole life protecting her autistic sister, so now after 6 months on the farm, she is determined to get the two of them out by any means necessary. This is a story of love, sacrifice, acceptance and a whole helluva lot of naivete. I’m actually being nice by just calling her naive – because Lily had some supreme moments of stupidity that I just wanted to face punch her for. I found myself wondering all too frequently just how far that girl could get her head up her arse. But hey we needed room for character growth right? And she does grow a lot.
I seriously enjoyed The Farm. The supporting cast was great and the action definitely kept such a pace that I didn’t want to put it down for long. I really like where I think this series is headed and am already diving into the next book. Lovers of YA post apocalyptic fiction can’t go wrong here.
A dystopian society caused by vampires? Yes, please! It's no secret that I'm a little (or a lot) obsessed with vampires, and my love of the Dystopia genre is steadily growing, so it's no wonder that I loved The Farm! It even has multiple POVs which just adds to my love! The vampires are also most definitely not the good guys (with the exception of maybe one), which was an interesting and welcome change from the norm.
I really admired Lily. She's managing to take care of herself and her autistic sister, Melanie, and keep them safe from the Ticks and Collabs. She has so much strength and patience. I would never be able to handle her situation. Her major fault is that she's too stubborn. She doesn't want to trust anyone, but she fails to realize that she needs help to keep herself safe and therefore keep Mel safe. Her stubbornness also keeps her from listening to good advice, which at times made her annoying.
It was really interesting to get Mel's POV, too. She see things quite differently than her twin, but she understands more than Lily gives her credit for. She's a musical savant, so she often describes things in terms of music in her head, but she has trouble verbalizing her observations to Lily. Sometime it was difficult to understand exactly what she meant, but her insight was definitely appreciated.
Finally, we have Carter's POV which is annoyingly in third person. It seems like more and more authors are choosing to do this first-third flip-flop, which is frustrating. I hate it, but at least Carter's chapters were interesting. Right off the bat we learn that he's "playing" Lily and he knows stuff about her that she doesn't even know about herself. I love how Carter and Mel's chapters add things that Lily is blind to, especially since she's our main heroine.
As for the world, it's dark and dangerous. There are "farms" set up all across the country that essentially round up teenagers as cattle for The Ticks, vampires gone wrong. They apparently like the taste of teens the best because they have just the right hormone levels. No one knows what happens to the adults, and Breeders are safe, since pregnancy hormones are unpalatable. It's all very scientific which I admired and loved!
The first 250 pages take place in one day. It's a super action packed, adrenaline filled day. There's so much tension as Lily tries to escape the Farm with her twin and Carter. But getting on the other side of the fence doesn't mean they're free, in fact, there's even more danger in the abandoned regions of the countries. Then that ending...woah! The Farm is an intense read.

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