Imprint Book One The Jade Dragon eBook Elaine Sherman

Imprint Book One The Jade Dragon eBook Elaine Sherman
TL DR:An Interesting story that is beautifully written, funny and captivating. It left me eager to for the next work from Sherman.
The introductory story to the journey between Rachel McKenna and Atsuhiko Abe was most notably, a beautifully written novel. Sherman weaves an elegant tapestry here, and the characters are both likeable and very human. Sherman has a wry sense of humor and it brings out a lot in the characters. The relationship between McKenna and Abe feels pretty natural, and there is enough twist and intrigue throughout the work to keep you engaged to the very last page. Though there were some reveals that I would consider to be heavily hinted at, there is still plenty of unexpected and natural moments. The story has a great mix of tension, humor, mystery and discovery, and the world feels natural. I generally do not read too many romance novels myself, preferring sci-fi, and fantasy adventures personally, but I am really glad I picked this one up. If you are looking for a not-to-heavy read and an interesting story, look no further.

Tags : Imprint: Book One: The Jade Dragon - Kindle edition by Elaine Sherman. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Imprint: Book One: The Jade Dragon.,ebook,Elaine Sherman,Imprint: Book One: The Jade Dragon,Fiction Fantasy Dark Fantasy,Fiction Occult & Supernatural
Imprint Book One The Jade Dragon eBook Elaine Sherman Reviews
Great first novel. The book is very visual and descriptive, and for many scenes it was like watching anime. I really enjoyed the contrast between modern day and 1600's Japan. Be ready to be transported.
I usually don't write review of books but this is a must read. The characters literally draws you in and keep you lock long after the book has ended which was way too fast. When I found out there is a part 2 I was happy and then became sad because it is not available. So to the author, PLEASE release part 2 . I know writing is an art but I am anxious to read part 2.
I really loved this book. The entire idea of it was something you don't see in adventure/romance published works. This book actually has unconventional main characters-- and it is the best thing ever, considering it's set in a modern Chicago! Oh, I was able to imagine such a dashing Atsuhiko! And I feel like this first book only scratched the surface of Rachel's personality and character, but I totally could relate to her. I loved that she's a colored woman and that she does not take BS (her roommate Martina is hilarious, by the way). One of my favorite scenes was when (Spoiler Alert!) Rachel basically experienced a bit more of feudal Japan through her reincarnation and saw Haruko and Jiro as children playing together, that was such an aww moment for me. There were also parts when the diction was so poetic in describing scenes, it gave the feeling of a very righteously lyrical ambience to it. I love all of the mythological elements incorporated into the plot, it made it have a bit of a timeless feel to it. It was just all in all beautiful writing. This book has the potential to be the start of an amazing book series. I've only read the 1st book so far and I cannot wait for the second one!
I really thought the author did a wonderful job and this is her first book. I hope she continues the series I can't wait to. See how her writing grows. She has a great future. I couldn't love the male character any more. The author was very clear in who he was and it showed. Some of the other reviews thought the female character was not as defined and I agree. I hope book 2 provides more character development for Rachel. I know I w I ll read this book again and I am still thinking about so that let's you know it was a good read.
The story line holds your attention and keeps you wanting more! Good descriptions of the characters, the surrounding areas of each scene. Can hardly wait for book 2.
Very well written, especially for a first novel. The story line keeps your interest and you want to keep reading so you
can find out what happens.
This was a fun book for anyone who likes the whole "supernatural underworld in a big city" thing. It was well-written and I enjoyed the way the author paints a picture for the reader. I particularly loved the "Lore District", and Auntie Chen was a great character!
An Interesting story that is beautifully written, funny and captivating. It left me eager to for the next work from Sherman.
The introductory story to the journey between Rachel McKenna and Atsuhiko Abe was most notably, a beautifully written novel. Sherman weaves an elegant tapestry here, and the characters are both likeable and very human. Sherman has a wry sense of humor and it brings out a lot in the characters. The relationship between McKenna and Abe feels pretty natural, and there is enough twist and intrigue throughout the work to keep you engaged to the very last page. Though there were some reveals that I would consider to be heavily hinted at, there is still plenty of unexpected and natural moments. The story has a great mix of tension, humor, mystery and discovery, and the world feels natural. I generally do not read too many romance novels myself, preferring sci-fi, and fantasy adventures personally, but I am really glad I picked this one up. If you are looking for a not-to-heavy read and an interesting story, look no further.

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