Bold How to Go Big Create Wealth and Impact the World Peter H Diamandis Steven Kotler 0884180763777 Books

Bold How to Go Big Create Wealth and Impact the World Peter H Diamandis Steven Kotler 0884180763777 Books
There is no doubt in my mind that Peter and Steven have done some extraordinary things with their lives. This book, however, is not one of them.There are three parts to the book. Part One covers exponential technology. If you're familiar with AirBnB, and have read an article on Artificial Intelligence, most of this will not be new information to you. Part Two covers the mindset of bold leaders. If you have never read an article about Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk or Richard Branson, you can find those here. Part Three is entirely related to crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. If you have working knowledge of 99Designs, Kiva, or Kickstarter, you're probably all set.
This book is trying very hard to do everything and does not succeed. In fact there are a few blatant errors along the way. On page 126 the authors highlight a glass bottom plane as an industry "first." How did an April Fool's joke make it into this book as fact? They also repeat the same quotation within a few pages of each other. "This isn't just plumbing and pest control. We've got PhDs on the site. I've seen both quantum physics and aerospace jobs handled perfectly." This snippet appears both on page 150 and 158. Who edited this book?
I am a firm believer that in this life I should aim to contribute, rather than criticize. I suppose my contribution is to you, a potential reader, to strongly consider if this book is what you are looking for before you add it to your cart.

Tags : Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World [Peter H. Diamandis, Steven Kotler] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. From the coauthors of the <I>New York Times</I> bestseller <I>Abundance</I> comes their much anticipated follow-up: <I>Bold</I>—a radical,Peter H. Diamandis, Steven Kotler,Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World,Simon & Schuster,1476709564,Applied Sciences,Environmental - General,Entrepreneurship.,New business enterprises.,Technological forecasting,Technological innovations,Technological innovations.,Technology - Social aspects,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Entrepreneurship,Business & Economics,Business & EconomicsBusiness Ethics,Business & EconomicsCrowdfunding,Business & EconomicsNew Business Enterprises,BusinessEconomics,Computer Applications,ENTREPRENEURSHIP,Entrepreneurship.,Environmental - General,GENERAL,General Adult,How-toDo-it-yourself,New Business Enterprises,New business enterprises.,Non-Fiction,SCIENCE Applied Sciences,Small BusinessEntrepreneurship,Social Aspects,Society & culture: general,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Environmental General,Technological forecasting,Technological innovations,Technological innovations.,Technology & EngineeringSocial Aspects,Technology - Social aspects,United States,peter diamandis, steven kotler, bold, abundance, entrepreneurship, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, harnessing technology, exponential entrepreneurship, digitalization, disruption, deception, demoneitzation, dematerialization, democratiziation, six Dsxprize, elon musk, tesla, jeff bezos, amazon, richard branson, larry page, sergey brin, singularity university, 3d systems, give and take, adam grant, contagious, jonah berger, nudge, cass sunstein, power of habit, duhigg,peter diamandis; steven kotler; bold; abundance; entrepreneurship; crowdsourcing; crowdfunding; harnessing technology; exponential entrepreneurship; digitalization; disruption; deception; demoneitzation; dematerialization; democratiziation; six Dsxprize; elon musk; tesla; jeff bezos; amazon; richard branson; larry page; sergey brin; singularity university; 3d systems; give and take; adam grant; contagious; jonah berger; nudge; cass sunstein; power of habit; duhigg,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Entrepreneurship,Business & EconomicsBusiness Ethics,Business & EconomicsCrowdfunding,Business & EconomicsNew Business Enterprises,Entrepreneurship,New Business Enterprises,SCIENCE Applied Sciences,Social Aspects,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Environmental General,Technology & EngineeringSocial Aspects,Small BusinessEntrepreneurship,Business & Economics,BusinessEconomics,Society & culture: general
Bold How to Go Big Create Wealth and Impact the World Peter H Diamandis Steven Kotler 0884180763777 Books Reviews
This is one of the most important books I've read in years. It is a visionary's portrait of the world we presently live in. It is grounded in science and statistical analysis, yet it soars into the future on the wings of imagination. Bold reveals how technology is shaping your reality and your destiny in ways that most people have never thought about. And, it offers a vivid, believable, passionately optimistic view of the rich life everyone can enjoy when they embrace the monumental changes that are happening now and will continue to happen with exponential speed. Step into the Bold mindset, and you will unleash your potential for magical transformation.
Wow. My brain feels full after reading AND listening to this. It's a great primer for areas you should look to get into for the future, and a way to think about how to bring value to the future. There are a few unsettling things in here--even for someone who loves change like myself. BUT, you're certainly better off knowing about these things now. It's also invaluable for starting a big, bold business or venture.
Only a select few complaints (but still the 5 star review) The reader on the audio, Kotler, just sounds arrogant. That's a judgement call. But that's how it felt. It also seemed to end abruptly. No neat summary or admonition to go and be bold. Lastly, the section on contests seemed a little long-winded, but I guess that's great if you're going to hold a contest and need detailed advice.
Still--a fantastic, thought provoking book.
There are many books available on crowdfunding or on the new paradigm shift in the innovation cycle, and Bold is a very insightful read and well organized. It flows nicely.
Diamandis and Kotler not only outline the underlying principles of the many to many business model and its resulting innovation speed but also provide a very detailed description of Crowfunding and Crowdsourcing. You can tell that Diamandis has first-hand experience in using these tools. If you have not seen the effects of Crowdfunding or Crowdsourcing I suggest you sign up at one of the websites to familiarize yourself with them, you will get the idea.
He combines this knowledge with some very interesting examples of incentive competition and the results that were achieved.
This book is a must read for and entrepreneurs. .
I like this book, well because - even though it is not an area I may be part of, it is so well written that it held my attention throughout. I normally am a very fast reader, but because I found the ideas so fascinating I read it very slowly over a period of two months, hoping to retain some of the information as I look at new businesses and ideas unfold in this world of ours.
I have recommended it even without finishing it ( at that time) to other people in business who might use the ideas on a smaller scale.
I recommend it to everyone who has an interest in seeing where we are in the world and where we can and will go through the eyes of visionaries small and large.
We live in amazing times!
Bravo to the authors.
The more I read Bold and hear the stories of Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson, as well as Peter Diamandis' own story, I begin itching to make monumental change. His 10x mentality for growth and innovation is exactly what is needed in every field. After reading this book, I crafted my own massively transformative purpose (MTP) based on my passions. If you are looking to be inspired, and then learn exactly what steps to follow to make something big happen, you need to read Bold by Peter Diamandis!
Just as the title implies, this little book starts with the assumption that anything truly is possible, and builds from there. "Bold How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World"discusses and brings to life the dynamic revolution that is spurred by exponential change of technology. In laying bare the cycle of industry obsolescence/birth of new industries, the authors bring to mind a recent meme that made the rounds on social media featuring a 1980's circa full page ad from Radio Shack, and pointing out that every single device on that ad was now contained in a single smartphone. All of the agents of modern change are addressed in this work, and it is so impressive in is scope, I will have to read it again several times over to take everything in.
There is no doubt in my mind that Peter and Steven have done some extraordinary things with their lives. This book, however, is not one of them.
There are three parts to the book. Part One covers exponential technology. If you're familiar with AirBnB, and have read an article on Artificial Intelligence, most of this will not be new information to you. Part Two covers the mindset of bold leaders. If you have never read an article about Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk or Richard Branson, you can find those here. Part Three is entirely related to crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. If you have working knowledge of 99Designs, Kiva, or Kickstarter, you're probably all set.
This book is trying very hard to do everything and does not succeed. In fact there are a few blatant errors along the way. On page 126 the authors highlight a glass bottom plane as an industry "first." How did an April Fool's joke make it into this book as fact? They also repeat the same quotation within a few pages of each other. "This isn't just plumbing and pest control. We've got PhDs on the site. I've seen both quantum physics and aerospace jobs handled perfectly." This snippet appears both on page 150 and 158. Who edited this book?
I am a firm believer that in this life I should aim to contribute, rather than criticize. I suppose my contribution is to you, a potential reader, to strongly consider if this book is what you are looking for before you add it to your cart.

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