The Velveteen Rabbit William Nicholson illustrator Margery Williams author 9781405285346 Books

Velveteen Rabbit
The Velveteen Rabbit William Nicholson illustrator Margery Williams author 9781405285346 Books
When I was a very young child, so young that I do not remember the actual gift, my mother purchased the book along with it came a stuffed toy rabbit.I do recall taking it to her as a young child and showing her that an eye fell off or a seam came undone and she carefully repared it.
I put it away in a trunk when I was in high school and forgot all about it until one day after my wife and I were married my mom suggested that I take the old trunk with stuff in it to our home.
I did and inside the trunk when I opened it was my old teddy-bear & rabbit. I recall reading the Velveteen Rabbit for the first time when I read it to my kids and along with the reading showing them the rabbit, some time during my kids younger years the rabbit gained a necklace depicting Buzz-Lightyear. I still have these toys, and I imagine they are quite real and have been for the past seventy years or so.
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The Velveteen Rabbit William Nicholson illustrator Margery Williams author 9781405285346 Books Reviews
With over 1,500 reviews posted, there is no need to summarize this classic story again here. What I'd like to do instead is recommend a recent (December 2017) printing that closely mirrors the beloved original 1922 edition. The Velveteen Rabbit was published simultaneously in England and America, and good copies of these first editions sell for thousands of dollars. (See the photo of one of these early editions posted below.)
This new version, published by Suzeteo Enterprises, ISBN 978-1-947844-20-9, captures the look and feel of an original copy for a reasonable price. The masterful illustrations by William Nicholson have never been surpassed and add great dignity to Margery Williams's poignant story of the toy Velveteen Rabbit that is made Real through the power of love.
I especially encourage adults to read The Velveteen Rabbit again, or for the first time. As with many of the best children's books, it takes on greater meaning later in life.
One last point continues to group together numerous versions of the same book under one heading. It is essential, if you want your comments to be useful to others, to include detailed publishing information about the edition you are reviewing, including the ISBN number.
This is the classic story of the Velveteen Rabbit and it is WONDERFUL! I recommend it for everyone, kids and adults......But be careful. THIS copy says it is the original edition but it is not the same as the original. (Well, I dont know about the one written in 1922 but I have a copy from 1970 and this one is different). I was expecting it to be the same as my 1970 version but this one is bigger, (I don't mind that), the cover and dust jacket are a different color from the original, the pages are a horrible shade of tan and the coloring in the photos is different. There are many cute versions of this book but it you want the "original" or something close to it, this is not it.
This is an absolutely horrible edition, in no way deserving of such a lovely classic story. I'm referring to the paperback, brown front cover featuring the rabbit (ISBN 9781511859066). Inside it's basically photocopies, it looks cheap and fake. Indeed horrible. It's hard to go by the reviews, because for some reason reviews here don't match the paperback edition, they're either misplaced or people are just reviewing the story (which is wonderful). Don't buy it, seriously. It doesn't even have the publishing house details, so it can easily be considered a fake. If I hadn't bought it through I would seriously be considering it was piracy. The picture I'm sharing shows how one of the original pictures (which takes two pages) is a black and white photograph fitted into half a page. Absolutely awful. should seriously consider taking this out of their catalogue.
Dear Baby-person,
When I heard from your grandfather of your arrival here on Earth I went directly to my bookcase to fetch my personal copy of this little story. Grandfather was in quite the hurry to get to the airport so he could fly to meet you. No time to get your name or other particulars.
I reckon, "The Velveteen Rabbit", to be a welcome addition in any baby's library. I hope you like it. Seeing as you'll be quite busy, presently, growing hair and teeth and the like, and also not reading as yet, you should want to have someone read to you. May I offer my humble advice. Never too early to start. Once you're properly changed and fed, you should want to sit comfortably in someone's lap and be read to. It is the right duty and proper responsibility of those who read, to read to the young. This, as yet, has not been enshrined in any constitition of any sovereign nation I know of, but civilisation, Baby-person, is still in its infancy.
Do not be a slave to perfection. No matter if the speaker is less than the best orator, or speaks with an accent, what matters is heart. The reader must really want to be there. A person with the clearest facility of diction and most melodious of speaking voices, who is thinking of the ball game or shopping, or lunch, whilst reading aloud to you, had better just be silenced. Close the book and tell the creature to bugger off and seek their heart's desire elsewhere. Find someone who really wants to be with you, and a good time shall be had by all.
There are so many wonderful stories in the wide world, not the least of which, the story you shall write for yourself. The one which is your life to come.
I wish you all the best in your endeavours, Baby-person.
kind regards
your humble servant
When I was a very young child, so young that I do not remember the actual gift, my mother purchased the book along with it came a stuffed toy rabbit.
I do recall taking it to her as a young child and showing her that an eye fell off or a seam came undone and she carefully repared it.
I put it away in a trunk when I was in high school and forgot all about it until one day after my wife and I were married my mom suggested that I take the old trunk with stuff in it to our home.
I did and inside the trunk when I opened it was my old teddy-bear & rabbit. I recall reading the Velveteen Rabbit for the first time when I read it to my kids and along with the reading showing them the rabbit, some time during my kids younger years the rabbit gained a necklace depicting Buzz-Lightyear. I still have these toys, and I imagine they are quite real and have been for the past seventy years or so.

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